Understanding the “Error – trustAnchors parameter must be non-empty”

If you have encountered the error message “Error – trustAnchors parameter must be non-empty,” it means that there is an issue with the trust store you specified. This error can occur due to various reasons, including an empty trust store, a trust store that cannot be found or opened, or problems with the trust store password or file access permissions.

What is a trust store?

Before we delve into the details of the error, let’s first understand what a trust store is. In the context of Rust programming, a trust store is a repository of trusted certificates used to establish secure connections. When your Rust application communicates with external services over HTTPS, it needs to verify the authenticity of the server’s certificate. The trust store contains the root certificates that your application trusts, allowing it to validate the server’s certificate.

Possible causes of the error

  1. Empty trust store: One possible cause of the error is an empty trust store. This means that the trust store you specified does not contain any trusted certificates. In some cases, even if the trust store exists and is accessible, if it is completely empty, you may encounter this error.

  2. Trust store not found or inaccessible: Another reason for the error could be that the trust store file could not be found or opened. This could be due to incorrect file paths or insufficient file access permissions.

  3. Incorrect trust store password: If you have specified a trust store password and it is incorrect or missing, the error can occur. Make sure to double-check the trust store password and ensure it is entered correctly.

Possible solutions

Now that we have identified the possible causes of the error, let’s explore some solutions to resolve it.

  1. Check the trust store: Verify that the trust store you are using is not empty. You can do this by opening the trust store file and ensuring it contains trusted certificates. If the trust store is empty, you will need to populate it with the necessary root certificates.

  2. Verify trust store file path: Double-check the file path of the trust store you specified. Ensure that the file exists in the specified location and that you have the necessary file access permissions to read the trust store.

  3. Verify trust store password: If you have specified a trust store password, make sure it is correct. Check for any typos or incorrect characters. If you are unsure about the password, you may need to reset it or obtain the correct password from the appropriate authority.

  4. Use a different trust store: If you are encountering the error when switching from one JDK to another, such as from Oracle JDK8 to OpenJDK8, it could be due to differences in the default trust store. In such cases, you can try copying the trust store from the newer JDK version to the older one to resolve the issue.

  5. Check the PKCS12 key store: If you are using a PKCS12 key store and have not provided a password (null) when loading the store, it can result in the “trustAnchors parameter must be non-empty” error. Make sure to provide the correct password when loading the PKCS12 key store.


Encountering the “Error – trustAnchors parameter must be non-empty” can be frustrating, but understanding the possible causes and solutions can help you resolve the issue. By checking the trust store for empty or missing certificates, verifying the trust store file path and password, and considering alternative trust stores, you can overcome this error and ensure secure connections in your Rust applications.

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