How to Flatten Only Some Dimensions of a NumPy Array

If you’ve ever worked with NumPy arrays in Python, you may have come across the need to flatten certain dimensions of an array while keeping others intact. Flattening an array means converting it into a one-dimensional array, where all the elements are placed consecutively. However, sometimes you may only want to flatten specific dimensions of the array, while preserving the others. In this article, we will explore how to achieve this using the powerful NumPy library.

Understanding NumPy Reshape

To flatten only some dimensions of a NumPy array, we can make use of the reshape function provided by NumPy. The reshape function allows us to change the shape of an array without modifying its data. Let’s start by understanding how reshape works with a simple example.

Consider the following NumPy array:

import numpy as np

arr = np.zeros((50, 100, 25))

The shape of this array is (50, 100, 25), meaning it has three dimensions. Now, let’s say we want to flatten the first two dimensions while keeping the last dimension intact. We can achieve this by using the reshape function as follows:

new_arr = arr.reshape(5000, 25)

After reshaping, the new array new_arr will have a shape of (5000, 25). The first two dimensions of the original array have been flattened into a single dimension, while the last dimension remains the same.

Using -1 to Infer Shape

In the previous example, we explicitly specified the shape of the new array when using the reshape function. However, NumPy provides a convenient way to infer the shape of one dimension based on the length of the array and the remaining dimensions. We can achieve this by using -1 as the shape value for that dimension.

Let’s modify our previous example to demonstrate this:

another_arr = arr.reshape(-1, arr.shape[-1])

In this case, we have used -1 as the shape value for the first dimension. NumPy automatically infers the length of the first dimension based on the length of the array and the remaining dimensions. After reshaping, the another_arr array will also have a shape of (5000, 25), just like the previous example.

Using -1 to infer the shape can be particularly useful when you want to flatten multiple dimensions of an array while keeping the remaining dimensions intact. It eliminates the need to calculate the exact shape manually.

Addressing User Concerns

While discussing the topic of flattening only some dimensions of a NumPy array, some users expressed concerns about the redundancy of information required to achieve this. They suggested a more elegant solution that only required specifying the subset of dimensions to flatten.

However, it is important to note that flattening an arbitrary dimension of an ndarray without specifying where the extra data will be folded into can lead to ambiguity. Consider a 2x2x3 ndarray. Flattening the last dimension can produce a 2×6 or 6×2 array. Therefore, specifying the dimension to flatten is necessary to avoid ambiguity.

To address the user’s concern, one can specify the dimension to flatten using -1 in the reshape function. For example:

arr.reshape((-1, 2))

In this case, the second dimension is explicitly specified as 2, while the first dimension is inferred based on the length of the array and the remaining dimensions. This approach allows for more flexibility in flattening specific dimensions while preserving the others.


In this article, we explored how to flatten only some dimensions of a NumPy array using the reshape function. We learned how to explicitly specify the shape of the new array and how to use -1 to infer the shape based on the length of the array and the remaining dimensions. We also addressed user concerns regarding the redundancy of information required for flattening specific dimensions. By understanding these techniques, you can effectively manipulate the shape of NumPy arrays to suit your needs.

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