How to Perform .Max() on a Property of All Objects in a Collection and Return the Object with Maximum Value

If you have a collection of objects and you want to find the object with the maximum value of a specific property, you can use the .Max() method in C#. However, the .Max() method only returns the maximum value, not the entire object. In this blog post, we will explore different approaches to perform .Max() on a property of all objects in a collection and return the object with the maximum value.

Approach 1: Using the .Max() Method and a Lambda Expression

The simplest approach is to use the .Max() method along with a lambda expression to specify the property on which you want to find the maximum value. Here’s an example:

var item = items.Max(x => x.Height);

In this example, items is the collection of objects, and Height is the property on which we want to find the maximum value. The .Max() method will iterate through the collection and return the maximum value of the Height property.

However, this approach only gives us the maximum value, not the object itself. To get the object with the maximum value, we need to use a different approach.

Approach 2: Using the MoreLINQ Library

If you want to get the object with the maximum value, you can use the MoreLINQ library, which provides an extension method called .MaxBy(). This method allows you to specify a projection that determines the value to compare for finding the maximum.

To use the .MaxBy() method, you need to install the MoreLINQ library via NuGet. Once installed, you can use the following code:

var item = items.MaxBy(x => x.Height);

In this example, items is the collection of objects, and Height is the property on which we want to find the maximum value. The .MaxBy() method will iterate through the collection, remember the maximum element seen so far, and return the object with the maximum value of the Height property.

Compared to other solutions, using the .MaxBy() method from MoreLINQ has several advantages:

  1. It has a time complexity of O(n), which means it is more efficient than other solutions that have a time complexity of O(n^2) or O(n log n).
  2. It evaluates the projection only once per element, making it more efficient than solutions that iterate over the sequence multiple times.
  3. It is simpler to read and understand compared to the aggregate version.

Example Scenario

Let’s consider an example scenario to illustrate how to use the .MaxBy() method. Suppose we have a collection of Person objects, and we want to find the person with the maximum age.

public class Person
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public int Age { get; set; }

var people = new List<Person>
    new Person { Name = "John", Age = 25 },
    new Person { Name = "Jane", Age = 30 },
    new Person { Name = "Mike", Age = 28 }

var personWithMaxAge = people.MaxBy(x => x.Age);

In this example, we have a collection of Person objects with their names and ages. By using the .MaxBy() method, we can find the person with the maximum age. The personWithMaxAge variable will contain the Person object with the maximum age.


Performing .Max() on a property of all objects in a collection and returning the object with the maximum value can be achieved using the .MaxBy() method from the MoreLINQ library. This method provides a simple and efficient way to find the object with the maximum value of a specific property. By using this approach, you can easily solve similar problems in your C# projects.

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